Effective Scientific Writing

For up to 14 doctoral and/or postdoctoral researchers*, in English

2 days – online (live meetings & videos)

Trainer: Dr. Andrew Wold

Your Benefit

Knowing the format and required language of a paper is not enough to accurately get your message across. This workshop will address fundamental writing skills and refining the scope and impact of your written work.


This course will teach fundamental aspects of written style. You will learn how to strategize the process of constructing scientific reports and original research through to the final stages of publication. Besides the act of writing, you will learn about motivational aspects necessary to become a disciplined writer.

Digital Course Format

Participants will receive approximately 5-hours of video material a week before the first online meeting. This video material will inform you of the exercises we will address for two 2-hour online meetings. You must also submit a writing example (max 500-words) that will be revised by the trainer. You will also send this writing example to two other participants for a chance to practice receiving feedback and editing your peer’s work.


Writing style fundamentals (structure, punctuation, clarity, and emphasis), group and individual feedback, elevator pitches for message clarity, peer editing, and trainer feedback on your own written work.
