
About the joy of growing in essential areas

Are you currently fully occupied with your doctorate or your postdoc? In addition to all your experiments and research, do you look to see where publications can be placed as profitably as possible and also try to maintain a good relationship with your supervisor or your boss ...?

Are you feeling first signs that it doesn't seem super easy to get it all done? Are you sometimes stressed, do you sometimes not know what to do first - or what at all? A presentation costs you the nights before the lecture - and even afterwards you think that it could have gone even better? Some relationships suffer - not least the one with your supervisor?

Even if you face just one of the "symptoms" described, you've come to the right place 🙂
The good news is: There is a remedy! Effective and prompt.

Set yourself a goal in which essential areas you want to improve - in addition to your research work. And then decide how you're going to accomplish this.

  • You can learn to organize yourself in a way that you can achieve your important goals in meaningful time - and even feel good about yourself.
  • You can learn to present your content in a convincing, understandable and exciting way - so that your counterparts want to know more and good conversations can develop.
  • You can learn to rethink your communication so that your relationships flourish. You can also deal with conflict well and confidently.

The young scientists' academy offers you the support you need to learn all these things - in short time. Here you find excellent, intense seminars, individual coaching and self-learn courses that allow you to learn at your own pace and at your ideal times. We have compiled the most valuable methods, content and proven techniques and embedded them in formats that not only convey this knowledge to you, but also allow you to improve your own behavior step by step. So that even learning becomes fun.

If that seems valuable to you, but you're not sure where to start yet, check out our growth plan. This offers you valuable decision-making aids on how to proceed. If you already know what you want to learn, register for one of our open seminars.

Who is behind the young scientists' academy?

Dr. Matthias Mayer and a group of excellent trainers.
If you want to know more about the founder, check out these questions and answers.

Your ysa Trainers and Coaches

All trainers who work for ysa have many years of experience with training scientists. Their trainings follow the same high standard.

Dr. Matthias Mayer

"I wish young scientists the courage to see which important skills they still need in order to be successful and fulfilled in the long term."

Matthias has been training and coaching scientists in essential, professionally relevant skills for almost 20 years.
To this end, he founded mmsc.de in 2004 and the young scientists' academy in 2021.
His customers in Germany include several Max Planck Institutes, EMBL Heidelberg, DESY Hamburg, WZB Berlin, and several graduate academies.

Susanne Reizlein

„Good design facilitates scientific exchange.“

Susanne Reizlein is a graphic designer with over 25 years of professional experience. She works for clients in the scientific realm, such as Mount Sinai in New York and the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience. Since 2008 she trains scientists in graphic design and presentation skills.

Michaela Benn

"Thought, body and voice are a unit."

Michaela is an actress with many years of stage experience and she knows about the connections between expression and effect. Presence, convincing appearance, and credible communication always require the use of body, facial expressions and voice - in a way that is appropriate to the situation. She has been training and coaching scientists, executives and politicians for many years. In doing so, she helps you to create a credible, effective appearance.

Sylvia Kieselbach

Sylvia is working as a trainer and public appearance coach for employees and managers in companies, banks, universities, colleges, and federal research and educational institutions for more than 20 years. She trains executives in professional appearance for more self-confidence, clear communication and professional success. From 2005 to 2019 she headed the "Consulting and Coaching" department at the Career Service of University of Tübingen, which supports graduates and doctoral candidates in their career start. Since 2018 she is also working as a lecturer in mentoring programs to promote women in management positions.

Andrew Wold

Dr. Andrew Wold

Andrew is an interdisciplinary neuroscientist specializing in non-invasive brain stimulation, living in Sweden with his family. He has been teaching international graduate students academic soft-skills since 2014 throughout Germany, Sweden, and the USA. He specializes in communicating science and how to communicate within an international workspace.

Dr. Matthias Mayer

"I wish young scientists the courage to see which important skills they still need in order to be successful and fulfilled in the long term."

Matthias has been training and coaching scientists in essential, professionally relevant skills for almost 20 years.
To this end, he founded mmsc.de in 2004 and the young scientists' academy in 2021.
His customers in Germany include several Max Planck Institutes, EMBL Heidelberg, DESY Hamburg, WZB Berlin, and several graduate academies.

Susanne Reizlein

„Good design facilitates scientific exchange.“

Susanne Reizlein is a graphic designer with over 25 years of professional experience. She works for clients in the scientific realm, such as Mount Sinai in New York and the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience. Since 2008 she trains scientists in graphic design and presentation skills.

Michaela Benn

"Thought, body and voice are a unit."

Michaela is an actress with many years of stage experience and she knows about the connections between expression and effect. Presence, convincing appearance, and credible communication always require the use of body, facial expressions and voice - in a way that is appropriate to the situation. She has been training and coaching scientists, executives and politicians for many years. In doing so, she helps you to create a credible, effective appearance.

Sylvia Kieselbach

Sylvia is working as a trainer and public appearance coach for employees and managers in companies, banks, universities, colleges, and federal research and educational institutions for more than 20 years. She trains executives in professional appearance for more self-confidence, clear communication and professional success. From 2005 to 2019 she headed the "Consulting and Coaching" department at the Career Service of University of Tübingen, which supports graduates and doctoral candidates in their career start. Since 2018 she is also working as a lecturer in mentoring programs to promote women in management positions.

Andrew Wold

Dr. Andrew Wold

Andrew is an interdisciplinary neuroscientist specializing in non-invasive brain stimulation, living in Sweden with his family. He has been teaching international graduate students academic soft-skills since 2014 throughout Germany, Sweden, and the USA. He specializes in communicating science and how to communicate within an international workspace.


In several areas we are supported by experienced scientists and experts - for example to coach our participants.

Dr.-Ing. Steffi Beckhaus

Steffi supports PhD students and Postdocs to get into their flow. Typical topics are career, communication, self-organisation, project management, leadership, and how to deal with crises. Besides being an academic coach she also works as a systemic consultant, researcher, and expert for new ideas and research projects in the interplay of people and technology. Until a few years ago she was professor for Computing Science at University of Hamburg.

Our Clients

Selection of previous clients in the field of science:

  • Berlin University Alliance
  • Dahlem Research School, FU Berlin
  • DESY, Hamburg | PIER Helmholtz Graduate School
  • EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg
  • FH Nordakademie, Elmshorn
  • Graduate Academy, Tübingen
  • IMB - Institute for Molecular Biology, Mainz
  • IGA - International Graduate Academy, Freiburg
  • MPIP - Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz
  • MPIMG - Max-Planck-Institute for molecular Genetics, Berlin
  • Max-Planck-Institute for biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
  • MPFI - Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, Florida, USA
  • TUHH - Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
  • Technische Hochschule Köln
  • University of Tübingen
  • University of Hamburg
  • WZB - Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin

Our participants

Our participants come from all areas of science: Students - doctoral candidates - postdocs - professors. Here are some statements from previous seminar attendees:

Lisa Matthias PhD Student, FU Berlin
Nan Zhang PhD Student, Univ. of Tübingen
Yu-Ming Huang PhD Student, Univ. of Tübingen
Larissa Höfling Doktorandin, Univ. Tübingen
Yawei Gu PhD Student, Univ. of Freiburg
Wala Jaser PhD Student, Univ. of Tübingen
Emely Reinhold Studentin, Univ. Hamburg
Xiulin Ng PhD Student, Univ. of Freiburg

A game-changer for me

Matthias is incredibly enthusiastic about his work and also talked about his own experiences and struggles [...] it was [his] way of communicating that encouraged me to reflect and then be consistent in using the tools that I found most helpful.

You will never regret this decision!

I felt like I was sitting at the real classroom even though it`s online [...] I benefited a lot during this seminar. [...] I received a lot of valuable feedbacks about giving talks on stage. I would strongly recommend you to attend this seminar. You will never regret this decision!

Thanks a lot, Dr. Matthias Mayer!

[...] I highly recommend other PhD candidates and PostDocs to participate his course. [...] my CV change drastically, even though I’ve visited a few similar job application courses during my bachelor in both Taiwan and in Germany. [...] Thanks a lot, Dr. Matthias Mayer!

erfrischend anders

Der Workshop zu Zeitmanagement mit Matthias war erfrischend anders: sehr interaktiv [...] und sehr persönlich. [... Ich habe] für mich vor allem eine andere Sichtweise auf Zeit, Arbeit und mein Potenzial mitgenommen. Ich frage nicht mehr: „Wie soll ich so viele Aufgaben in so kurzer Zeit bewältigen?“ sondern eher: „Wie kann ich die Zeit für mich und meine Ziele optimal nutzen?“.
Ich bin mir sicher, dass das Seminar nachhaltig einen positiven Einfluss nicht nur auf meine ArbeitsZeit, sondern auch auf meine LebensZeit haben wird.

... definitely deserves participation

The most important things I learned from the course are setting the priority and how to say no [...] This [course] gave me a chance to deeply think about my daily routines and what is really important for myself [...]

I could raise my presentation skills from good to excellent [...] Strongly recommended!

Matthias was very professional, enthusiastic, and patient and he gave us the feeling that he was interested in helping each one of us to develop their skills in the directions we needed. [...] Strongly recommended!

Geballte Zeit für Denkanstöße

Das Seminar [...] bietet eine geballte Zeit für Denkanstöße um ebendiese Balance zu finden [...] Matthias ist die Person, die dir zeigt, was du alles für deine Reise brauchst und dir hilft deinen Rucksack zu packen! Er erklärt auf eine sehr inspirierende und ermutigende Art bildliche Analogien und Metaphern, die im Gedächtnis bleiben und dich auf deinem Weg begleiten.

What luck to be offered a place in his energetic courses

I felt supported and considered throughout, and came away with valuable tips and methods that I would not have easily come across otherwise. [...] I am definitely looking forward to taking more in the future!

Have a look at what former participants say

You find a collection right here.

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