
Our institutional seminars (online!) are ideal for

  • Graduate Academies
  • Universities
  • Research Institutions with PhD programs
  • Postdoctoral programs

Our open seminars (online) are ideal for

  • all doctoral candidates, postdocs & students who want to proactively take care of their growth in essential areas

Why with us?

  • All formats approved for more than 15 years - constantly updated
  • Our seminars receive constantly first class feedback
  • All courses in German and English
  • All formats can be further adapted to your needs
  • You can count on us in the long-term, as a 100% reliable partner

Convinces professionally and humanly

As coordinator of an interdisciplinary qualification program for postdocs, I have been working very successfully with Matthias as trainer for several years. The arrangements with him are uncomplicated, he is happy to respond to individual ideas, whereby I benefit greatly from his many years of experience and his expertise.

The courses are very well evaluated - both in face-to-face and online format - and are always individually and thoroughly prepared and followed up. The feedback from the participants is always extremely positive and Matthias events are very well received by the doctoral researchers.

I am therefore very happy to recommend working with him. I enjoy working with Matthias because he convinces professionally and humanly.

[On basis of a fruitful collaboration - now running for over ten years. Translated from German.]

Dr. Julia Michael Personnel developer, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Seminars for Institutions
2-days-Seminars  |  ONLINE & on-site English & German 

  • Two days in full concentration on just one topic - intensive, interactive, individual
  • All formats in German and English

About our seminars

Our academy's seminars are targeted at young and more advanced scientists, primarily doctoral candidates and postdocs. If you are interested in seminars for entrepreneurs, self-employed persons and founders, take a look at - Matthias Mayer Seminare & Coaching.

Due to the pandemic, our seminars are currently only taking place online. This works excellently forall of our topics. Our seminars are based on over 15 years of experience in the training of scientists and in interactive online teaching. The events regularly receive first-class feedback. You can find participant voices on our website - institutions may ask us for full course evaluations. Of course, we adapt the formats to an institution's wishes and needs, for example in terms of sub-topic selection, duration and number of participants. We offer all seminars in German and English.
If you are interested, please contact us for further information, references and conditions.

Benefits of our Online-Trainings

  • for institution: minimal efforts for preparation - almost no efforts for execution
  • highly appreciated by doctoral students and researchers
  • a valuable contribution to Covid safety
  • massively cost and time saving
  • highly interactive: live discussions, small group exercises in breakout sessions
  • when done in series of short webinars, easier to integrate in regular working days
  • more participants possible than in widespread seminars (contact us when the maximum numbers mentioned are too small for your purposes)
  • participants become more familiar with online training possibilities and software - they become prepared for the future of personal training
  • zero travel expenses (saves money & time) for participants, trainers, and institution

We mainly use Zoom as a technical platform, others are possible. Feel free to ask us about technical aspects, requirements, and solutions.

Former participants say


A game-changer for me

Matthias is incredibly enthusiastic about his work and also talked about his own experiences and struggles [...] it was [his] way of communicating that encouraged me to reflect and then be consistent in using the tools that I found most helpful.

Lisa Matthias - PhD Student, FU Berlin

You will never regret this decision!

I felt like I was sitting at the real classroom even though it`s online [...] I benefited a lot during this seminar. [...] I received a lot of valuable feedbacks about giving talks on stage. I would strongly recommend you to attend this seminar. You will never regret this decision!

Nan Zhang - PhD Student, Univ. of Tübingen

Thanks a lot, Dr. Matthias Mayer!

[...] I highly recommend other PhD candidates and PostDocs to participate his course. [...] my CV change drastically, even though I’ve visited a few similar job application courses during my bachelor in both Taiwan and in Germany. [...] Thanks a lot, Dr. Matthias Mayer!

Yu-Ming Huang - PhD Student, Univ. of Tübingen

erfrischend anders

Der Workshop zu Zeitmanagement mit Matthias war erfrischend anders: sehr interaktiv [...] und sehr persönlich. [... Ich habe] für mich vor allem eine andere Sichtweise auf Zeit, Arbeit und mein Potenzial mitgenommen. Ich frage nicht mehr: „Wie soll ich so viele Aufgaben in so kurzer Zeit bewältigen?“ sondern eher: „Wie kann ich die Zeit für mich und meine Ziele optimal nutzen?“.
Ich bin mir sicher, dass das Seminar nachhaltig einen positiven Einfluss nicht nur auf meine ArbeitsZeit, sondern auch auf meine LebensZeit haben wird.

Larissa Höfling - Doktorandin, Univ. Tübingen

... definitely deserves participation

The most important things I learned from the course are setting the priority and how to say no [...] This [course] gave me a chance to deeply think about my daily routines and what is really important for myself [...]

Yawei Gu - PhD Student, Univ. of Freiburg

I could raise my presentation skills from good to excellent [...] Strongly recommended!

Matthias was very professional, enthusiastic, and patient and he gave us the feeling that he was interested in helping each one of us to develop their skills in the directions we needed. [...] Strongly recommended!

Wala Jaser - PhD Student, Univ. of Tübingen

Geballte Zeit für Denkanstöße

Das Seminar [...] bietet eine geballte Zeit für Denkanstöße um ebendiese Balance zu finden [...] Matthias ist die Person, die dir zeigt, was du alles für deine Reise brauchst und dir hilft deinen Rucksack zu packen! Er erklärt auf eine sehr inspirierende und ermutigende Art bildliche Analogien und Metaphern, die im Gedächtnis bleiben und dich auf deinem Weg begleiten.

Emely Reinhold - Studentin, Univ. Hamburg

What luck to be offered a place in his energetic courses

I felt supported and considered throughout, and came away with valuable tips and methods that I would not have easily come across otherwise. [...] I am definitely looking forward to taking more in the future!

Xiulin Ng - PhD Student, Univ. of Freiburg

Have a deeper impact

I had high expectations as I heard good comments about [the course] in previous years; however, I was a bit afraid [... of] the idea of recording myself and analyze my presentation skills in front of other people. The truth is that during the workshop, I didn´t even think about that. [...] the atmosphere is [...] giving the opportunity to be helped but also to help others. [...] Matthias has a lot of experience in the subject. This workshop is not a one-way talk [...] I would definitely recommend it to those who wish to have a deeper impact on their scientific presentations.

Mónica Peña Luna - PhD student, Scientific Talks Course

One of my best experiences

Thank you for the amazing course. It was indeed one of my best experiences. With a simple, vivid as well as professional way you managed to cover all the important topics how to successfully present scientific talks. There are some “secrets of success” that I was not aware. [... After] your guidance I know how to give an excellent talk [...]

Dimitra Vlachokosta - PhD student

Don't let this chance pass!

Matthias Mayer is one of the most dedicated, passionate and enthusiastic instructors I have encountered [...] He not only has an enormous knowledge [...] but also puts his 200% into both producing and delivering the distilled content [...] extremely helpful in transforming my presentation from good to wow!

I would definitely attend another workshop with Matthias Mayer. It would be a pity if you had the chance and you let it pass.

Manasa M. - Doctoral Student, DESY Hamburg

How to be a good leader

[...] Matthias gave a full picture about the tasks of a leader and advices how to be a good one. [...] My personal main statements I take from the workshop are:
*Leadership is hard work, therefore never stop reflecting yourself, give and receive feedback and keep learning. Motivate your co-workers in an individual and personalized way. [...] I am looking forward to improve my skills and to come back to my workshop notes when I am struggling.

Dr. Sandra Ammann - Uniklinik Freiburg