IGBMC - Succeed in Your Doctoral Contract Competition

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  • IGBMC - Succeed in Your Doctoral Contract Competition

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IGBMC - Succeed in Your Doctoral Contract Competition

How to Successfully Present in Your Doctoral Contract Competition

4 Lessons

Premium Course

In this main video Dr. Matthias Mayer will introduce you to the three main areas relevant for convincing your audience in your talk - you will receive an overview of the remaining videos, and you will learn about two tools that can support you designing your slides (BioRender & Adobe Color). You also learn about essentials of convincing body language during your presentation.

Video lesson

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This lesson shows how you can prepare your presentations' content and structure in a time efficient manner. Do this early.

Video lesson

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Here you will be guided through six guidelines of good scientific slide design. Prepare your slides for your audience, not for you. Follow these recommendations and learn from the given examples.

Video lesson

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In case you should face nervousness issues before or during your talk you can have a look at this video and the accompanying document to find more than 60 suggestions on how to deal with stage fright.

Video lesson


About the teacher

Dr. Matthias Mayer

Dr. Matthias Mayer, a seasoned trainer with almost two decades of experience, refines scientists' essential skills - ranging from presentation skills, over time and self management, to professional communication and leadership. With a background in Visual Communication and a PhD in Computer Science, he seamlessly merges artistic expertise with scientific understanding and precision. He creates highly dynamic, interactive on-site and online seminars for Max Planck Institutes, EMBL Heidelberg, HZB, WZB Berlin, and many more institutions. Join his transformative courses here at ysa, smartly enhancing your scientific journey by refining crucial skills.

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