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  • Time & Self Management
  • Presenting Science
  • Career Planning
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Premium Course


Dieser Kurs gibt dir die Möglichkeit, dein eigenes kommunikatives Verhalten zu reflektieren und grundlegende Axiome, Modelle und Techniken kennen zu lernen. Es ermöglicht dir, deine zukünftige Kommunikation durch direkt anwendbare, wertvolle Strategien zu erweitern.

Wir werden uns vier Bereiche ansehen:
Wie du für gute Beziehungen sorgen kannst
Wie du Feedback geben und schwierige Gespräche meistern kannst
Wie du selbstbewusst sein und auftreten kannst
Wie du deine Kommunikation abrundest

Dieser Kurs wird in unserem "hybriden Online-Format" angeboten, bestehend aus zwei Live-Online-Meetings und vielen Videos, die im Vorfeld und zwischen beiden Meetings anzusehen sind.

In den Live-Meetings wirst du dein Verständnis vertiefen, in Übungen, Rollenspielen, in Kleingruppen- und Partnerübungen. Wir werden deine Fragen besprechen und ausgewählte Fälle von Teilnehmenden betrachten.

Dieser Kurs gibt dir die Möglichkeit, dein individuelles kommunikatives Verhalten und deinen eigenen Stil zu reflektieren und zu verbessern.

Melde dich am besten gleich dafür an :-)

42 Lessons - Not started


This video course provides essential strategies to navigate the job search and application process in Germany. With ~5 hours of content, it serves as both a step-by-step guide and a quick reference for key topics like career paths, CV optimization, Cover Letter formulation, and interview preparation.

It helps international job seekers tackle common challenges, find job openings, and build professional networks using tools like LinkedIn and conducting informational interviews. Special focus is given to academia vs. industry career paths.

You’ll learn to craft strong applications, ace interviews, and use ChatGPT to enhance your job search. Designed for researchers across disciplines, it also includes industry-specific and Life-Sciences-specific content.

You can use this course in two ways:
1 – As a step-by-step guide – to guide you through the entire application process.
2 – As a reference work – to jump directly to the sections of your interest.

25 Lessons - Not started

Premium Course


This course gives you the chance to reflect upon your own communicative behavior, to understand fundamental axioms, models, and techniques. It allows you to enrich your upcoming communication with directly applicable, valuable strategies.

We will look at four areas:
How to care for your relationships
How to share feedback and master difficult conversation
How to be and appear confident
How to be a great communicator

This course is provided in a hybrid online format, consisting of two live-online meetings and many videos in advance and between both meetings.

In the meetings you will be able to deepen your understanding by applying the methods and exercises, role-plays, you will discuss in small groups and with partners, we will discuss your questions and look at your individual cases.

This course gives you a chance to reflect upon and improve your own individual communicative behavior and style.

Thus, sign up for it right now :-)

41 Lessons - Not started

Premium Course


This short video training is designed to support you preparing for your presentation at the IGBMC doctorate contract competition.
You will get hands-on tips how to approach your 12-minutes' presentation and the Q&A thereafter.

4 Lessons - Not started

Premium Course


42 Lessons - Not started


In this course you will learn everything relevant for finding your next position of your dreams :-)
This course is specifically designed for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs in the Life Sciences.

These four big areas will be covered:

How to find your dream Job:
1. Which job(s) suit you? / Which career paths are available out there?
2. Where to find open positions
3. How to convince with CV and CL
4. Mastering the Job Interview

Highly recommended for all doctoral candidates or postdocs who want to have a great start into their career.

24 Lessons - Not started
