Professional Communication - How to Communicate Successfully, Creating High Quality Relationships
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4 Lessons
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Matthias introduces you to the course and to the topic.
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Understand how this course is set up, what you need to do to successfully participate, and by when you need to watch the videos. Also, learn about the content of the four big areas.
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Meet your trainer, Dr. Matthias Mayer, and learn about his background.
Premium Course
Feedback, as we will also see in this course ;-), is a highly valuable source for self-evaluation and improvement. We would also love to learn from your feedback! We will collect your feedback at the very end of our course but also right now from the beginning - in different ways. Please share with us your specific feedback already while you watch the videos. You find the template linked below. Please send this document to us briefly before the course ends ( Thank you!
6 Lessons
Premium Course
Understand the three basic fundamentals of communication, after Paul Watzlawick. Understand their implications and stick to them :-) You cannot not communicate. Thus, take full responsibility for your part of the communication. Communication is always also nonverbal. Thus, align your verbal and nonverbal messages. Play fair! In a conversation, we mostly perceive our own behavior as a reaction to the behavior of our counterpart. Thus, do not allow to ""automatically"" respond impulsively, but decide consciously how you want to respond properly.
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Here you learn about three behaviors that you are recommended to do daily, from now on. Start early - observe the outcomes :-)
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Friedemann Schulz von Thun shows you: Each message has four sides Facts Appeal Relationship Self-disclosure Learn to communicate clearly by revealing the direction in which your messages are intended! Be as clear as possible with your messages. Do not "play games".
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Friedemann Schulz von Thun introduces the four ears model to understand the recipient in a communicative setup. Know about the implications of this model - and about the set up of your own ears. Do the self-test link below in order to understand better. What is your largest ear? And what does this mean? Reflect upon it and decide in which situations you want to move out and pull in which ears.
Premium Course
Get an overview of the most important advantages and disadvantages of the four ears and think about how you want to modify the dynamics of your own four ears in future.
Premium Course
Remember the content we discussed in this module and collect your main insights, inspirations, and decisions about what you what to do differently in future.
14 Lessons
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Get an overview of the content that we will look at in this module.
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Here we look at a simple model by two US psychologists that illustrates the high value of feedback.
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Following the approach of Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson with their book "The One Minute Manager" we look at a very basic model of good laud and good criticism.
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When sharing and receiving feedback it is good to follow these guidelines.
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Two changes perspective can be helpful to frame interpersonal difficulties in a more constructive way: 1) Many confilcts are of structural nature – then you can tell yourself already: “It is at least not about your person – No one's got anything against you“. This can be a relief and result in more productive thoughts about solutions. 2) Many difficulties result from differences in personality types. Once you reach the attitude that your “type” is not better than any other type, just different, this can also result in a huge relief – diminishing the perceived conflict. Tell yourself – with every counterpart you encounter: “I am OK – you are OK”. Then only continue finding solutions together."
Premium Course
To constructively criticize, use the I-Message from now on: Mention the facts, without any offense. Mention the factual consequences, for you or the team/institution, again without any offense. Optional: Include your emotions, try to do this also as little offensive as possible. Let your counterparts respond. Listen well. Share your wishes and agreed upon a solution.
Premium Course
Please create one own example of an I-Message and send it in before the announced date.
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Use this framework in order to prepare and conduct difficult conversations.
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If your counterpart has a different opinion than you do, use the "delayed dialogue" to show empathy to your counterpart and to find a mutually acceptable solution faster.
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Please have a look and do the tasks in the required time. Send in, what needs to be sent in.
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Some hints about communication with a supervisor.
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Learn about the three pillars of active listening.
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How can you deal well with angry or highly emotional counterparts?
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Remember the content we discussed in this module and collect your main insights, inspirations, and decisions about what you what to do differently in future.
11 Lessons
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Get an overview of the content that we will look at in this module.
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Here, Matthias shares with you some of his own thoughts and experiences on how to build self confidence. Know what you want, build momentum, and leave your comfort zone! :-)
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"Find out about essentials on posture, gestures, mimics and voice. What should you personally work on?"
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Some tips how you can handle your own emotions when they become too prominent.
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Understand more about the reasons for stage fright/nervousness in communicative situations and know how to master challenging events like talks, interviews, oral exams, etc.
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Learn to show borders to your counterpart - short introduction.
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Learning to say "No" is essential. Better learn this early in life. It is essential to show borders, to cope well with high workloads, to maintain control over your life's direction - to shape your life.
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With supervisors, saying "No" is difficult. Still, you should consider several things before you say "Yes".
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Unfortunately, some people misuse power. It is good to know what you can do in case you are confronted with it.
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With these steps and phrases you can easily become involved and be heard in group discussions.
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Remember the content we discussed in this module and collect your main insights, inspirations, and decisions about what you what to do differently in future.
6 Lessons
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Get an overview of the content that we will look at in this module.
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Matthias shares some personal notes and experiences on the course topic.
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This personality type model distinguishes four main types. If you know about this model, you can derive valuable suggestions for dealing with your fellow human beings.
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This model shows you the great freedom of decisionmaking that exists in principle in all situations. A look at this model can be helpful when making a decision.
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One of the most valuable perspectives on self-management. It invites you to rethink your own focus, your own interpretations, and your own actions.
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Apply this framework for responding to criticism in order to stay professional, and even learn from the feedback.
Dr. Matthias Mayer, a seasoned trainer with almost two decades of experience, refines scientists' essential skills - ranging from presentation skills, over time and self management, to professional communication and leadership. With a background in Visual Communication and a PhD in Computer Science, he seamlessly merges artistic expertise with scientific understanding and precision. He creates highly dynamic, interactive on-site and online seminars for Max Planck Institutes, EMBL Heidelberg, HZB, WZB Berlin, and many more institutions. Join his transformative courses here at ysa, smartly enhancing your scientific journey by refining crucial skills.
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